Im thankful for:
My Family, as crazy as we may be if any of us are ever in a crunch, we are always there for one another. And NO ONE knows how to party like us :-)
My nieces and nephews. I could never take them for granted. They light up my life, as corny as it may sound, their my joy.
My Optimism, There is no way I can fall down and not get back up. I have had my heart broken but I still manage to believe in love. I will never give up on my happily ever after.
My God. Jesus. Never turning His back on me. Redeeming me. Looking past all my sins. Washing me anew. For always turning the light bulb on in my head. And allowing me to find the road that leads to my purpose.
My weight loss. Although it may be 2 pds every week, its something. Im coming along.
My music
And lastly but definitely not least, My Daddy! He is the man in my life. Im thankful for his health, I am praying for his joy. I am so glad to be Daddys little girl, no matter how old I get.
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